Lobby Hours*


Monday - Thursday


  • Staff working remote. 

  • In-person appointments available upon request.



*Lobby hours will be extended during high volume times such as graduation & registration.


Advisees Name Email Address Telephone Appointment
Last Name A-B Igdaly Patel sfadvisor5@photographywaltz.com 471-6271 Schedule an appointment
Last Name C-D Juan Alvarez sfadvisor1@photographywaltz.com 471-3365 Schedule an appointment
Last Name E-L Keila Rosario sfadvisor2@photographywaltz.com 471-6597 Schedule an appointment
Last Name M-R Shelley Bolin sfadvisor3@photographywaltz.com 471-6385 Schedule an appointment
Last Name S-Z Qaisar Ayaz sfadvisor4@photographywaltz.com 471-6387 Schedule an appointment


Title Name Email Address Telephone
Assistant Vice President Elynda Bedney bedney@photographywaltz.com 471-6040
Associate Director-Financial Aid Cynthia Gammon schulz@photographywaltz.com 471-3221
Associate Director-Compliance Viviana Insunza insunza@photographywaltz.com 471-2425
Associate Director-Accounts Fares Magesa magesaf@photographywaltz.com 471-3428

Support Staff

Position Name Email Address Telephone
Communications Manager & Banking Operations Supervisor Kathleen Allen kathy@photographywaltz.com 471-6585
Information Desk Karen Alford-Peay sfs@photographywaltz.com 471-3194
Cashier   sfs@photographywaltz.com 471-3326
Production/Tracking Operations Associate Marlene Rothermel sfstracking@photographywaltz.com 471-3849
Financial Aid Analyst Sandra Munoz munozs@photographywaltz.com 471-2410
Direct Loans Processor & Tech Support John Beal beal@photographywaltz.com 471-6384
Collections (Non-current accounts) Rhonda Peak collections@photographywaltz.com 471-3593
Perkins Loans Collections Igdaly Patel perkinsloan@photographywaltz.com 471-6271
Griggs International Academy Student Account Manager  Juan Alvarez alvarezj@photographywaltz.com 471-3754
Andrews Academy Accounts Manager Gracie Gaytan gaytan@photographywaltz.com 471-6139
Veterans Certifying Official Fares Magesa veterans@photographywaltz.com 471-3286

Title IV School Code:  002238                                                                                    

Code of Conduct                                                             



Student Financial Services
Phone: (269) 471-3334
Fax: (269) 471-3228
E-mail: sfs@photographywaltz.com

Mailing Address
Student Financial Services
Administration Bldg, 1st Floor
4150 Administration Drive
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0750